3 Plantings for Your Jamestown, RI, Landscape Design

3 Plantings for Your Jamestown, RI, Landscape Design

The development of a captivating landscape design could begin with choosing what kind of plantings you want. These choices could make a dramatic difference in aesthetics, your Jamestown, RI, home’s curb appeal and value, as well as your enjoyment of the space. Here are three types of plantings to consider for your landscape. 

New Trees

The foundational element of your landscape is trees. For the most visual interest as well as ecological diversity, you will want to plant both evergreen and deciduous trees that are native to Rhode Island.For deciduous trees, it’s worth considering oak, hickory, elm, ash, beech, apple, poplar, or maple. Tall trees, short trees, wide trees, and narrow trees each have their place and their function. Tall shade trees planted on the south side of the home could make your home more comfortable and lower your cooling bills, while wide trees create lovely shady spots to relax. Flowering fruit trees bring a pop of color as well as edible treats.As for evergreens, pines, spruces, and conical arborvitae are known for doing well in Rhode Island. Plant evergreens for privacy, as windbreaks, and as a beautiful backdrop for colorful shrubs and flowering plants.Related: 4 Types of Masonry Work to Consider for Your Bristol, RI, Hardscape


Rhododendrons add a rich deep green color to your landscape, lilacs delight your senses with their intoxicating fragrance, and the lush oversized flowers of hydrangeas are such a joy to see. Shrubs don’t have to wait around until fall to show their colors. Planting a few colorful shrubs will keep your landscape rich with color all year. Beautiful and hardy shrubs include: purple smokebush, dogwood, common ninebark, weigela, and purple-leafed roses.Evergreen shrubs are commonly used to hide ugly foundations, utility boxes, or air conditioning units. But they also serve as wonderful backdrops for perennial and annual flowers. 


There’s no right or wrong when it comes to flowers. Some homeowners like a unified look in their landscape, and only plant flowers of one or two colors. Others love the wildflower meadow look and choose to go with a riot of color. For the best effect—whether you go for a sophisticated or boho look—is to create pops of color with greenery as a backdrop.Related: 3 Masonry Ideas for Your Barrington, RI, Retaining Wall

Before the Planting Begins

Before you start buying and planting, first think about the layout of various activities in your yard and how those activities will impact your plants. To avoid people trampling a flower garden, for example, don’t have it placed right up against a flat football-friendly or dog play area.When you’ve decided on various activity zones, plan the plantings. Start with the largest: trees. Consider location carefully, ensuring that each tree will have adequate room to grow (while it can be tempting to cluster saplings together, keep in mind their mature size and how each tree needs its personal space).Once you have identified the optimal location for your trees, shrubs can be used as backdrops to flower gardens, and to provide vertical interest and soften hardscape features.Next, choose where you want pops of seasonal color and plant perennial and annual flowers that give you the appearance and fragrance you love.By sticking with native plants, your landscaper will ensure that they will thrive and that any maintenance needs are minimized. It’s up to you decide which plantings will bring a smile to your face every day.